How to Grow Orchids In Flower Pot

Orchids are plants that need little maintenance complicated but not hard to do. In general, how to grow orchids consists of two main phases, namely the process of planting and fertilizing. Here is the second stage: 1. Cultivation Orchid plants are usually grown in pots which is a growth medium. The growth medium, there are a variety of materials such...

The History behind the Black Roses

Rose is one type of flower ornamental plants that have thorny stems. During this rose is also known as the queen of flowers that symbolize the life of a human civilization. Rose plants come from the plains of Eastern Europe, which later developed into the plains of China and the Middle East. After that, development is very rapid and then spread wide...

How to Take Care of Roses with Proper

The rose is one of the flowers favored by ladies. This flower is a symbol of love and affection. Flower color is bright and sundry can make everyone instantly liked this one flower. No surprise that roses are often touted as the Queen of Flowers. Well, to make the roses in the yard we continue to bloom beautifully, below is a way of taking care of...

Cara mudah Menanam Bunga Mawar dalam Pot

Menanam Bunga Mawar Dalam Pot - Tak dapat disangkal lagi bahwa keindahan bunga mawar memberikan pesona yang luar biasa bagi yang melihatnya. Selain warnanya yang eksotik bunga mawar juga identik dengan lambang cinta. Jadi keingat jaman sekolah dulu hehehe… sok ngasih bunga mawar...